IT Services Update: Cost-Savings Security Enhancements

by IT Services | August 23, 2024

Dear Faculty and Staff,

As we begin this new academic year, I am sharing the latest security enhancement changes implemented by IT Services which has also yielded cost-savings for the College. 

These updates reflect our commitment to optimizing resources while safeguarding our campus community in today's evolving digital landscape.

Cost-Savings Security Enhancement Changes:

  • SMC phone policy: After a thorough audit of our phone lines, we identified several that were either inactive or had minimal usage (less than 60 minutes of call time). We are working closely with departments to continue monitoring underutilized lines. 
  • Single Sign-On (SSO) and Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): To improve cost efficiency and security, we have streamlined our authentication processes by consolidating our SSO and MFA systems into Microsoft Entra ID. This migration reduces redundancy and bolsters protection across all platforms.
  • Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): In response to an uptick in malicious activity targeting SMC accounts, we are enforcing Multi-Factor Authentication to further secure our systems. This is now a necessary safeguard in today’s digital environment. 
    Reminder Key Dates for MFA Rollout 2024:
    September 3: Go Live date for Staff
    - October 1: Go Live date for Faculty
    - November 4: Go Live date for Students 
  • SMC Zoom Policy: To manage costs, we have made a minor adjustment to our cloud storage retention policy for Zoom recordings. Storage duration will be reduced from 180 days to 30 days.

We appreciate your continued support and adoption of these changes as we make these improvements for a more secure and cost-effective future.

Best regards,

James Johnson
Chief Information Officer
Information Technology Services