Professor Manisha Anantharaman Featured in Diablo Magazine

by Linda Lenhoff | May 24, 2022

Diablo Magazine’s May issue features an article on Justice, Community, and Leadership Professor Manisha Anantharaman, and her dedication to social and environmental justice. The annual “Diablo Women” Issue focuses on Anantharaman’s passion for sustainability and her life and work in the East Bay.

“I feel incredibly lucky to live in a place as vibrant and diverse as the East Bay,” she said. “I am inspired by all the social and environmental justice movements of the region, past and present, and the way in which the East Bay is home to immigrants from all across the world. Here, people understand that environmental issues are social justice issues, and that social justice issues in turn often have environmental dimensions. So, I do feel it is truly the perfect place for me to do my work.”

Anantharaman encourages us to work together to solve issues of sustainability. “It’s really about trying to find ways to connect with people, to ask questions about what constrains our push toward environmental destruction, and [to figure out] how to collectively change that.”

Read more in the May Diablo Magazine Issue here