

There are many resources on- and off-campus that can provide information, support, and direct services. If you don't see what you are looking for below, contact the Title IX Coordinator for further support.

The College fully supports when and what resources each person may wish to use and on a timeline that meets their needs. When possible, our office will provide information on the advantages and disadvantages of when a resource is used, for each person to make their own informed decisions (for example, there may be a limitation on viable physical evidence collection after an assault if after a certain number of hours/days).

Filing a formal complaint is not required to use any of these resources, or inquire about other possible supportive measures.


24/7 Resources

  • 925.878.9207
  • Anonymous support and information (if you do not share your identity it will not be shared with the College)
  • 24 hours a day/7 days a week during the academic year (support is available from the first to the last day of classes each semester)
  • Call or text
  • 925.631.4282
  • 24 hours a day/7 days a week year-round
  • Provides enforcement of university policies, security, and emergency services
  • Can assist with emergency medical response, medical escort services, fire safety and detection, crime prevention, safety escorts, and parking support.
  • Non-sworn staff - can assist with reporting to local law enforcement. 
  • 24-hour crisis hotline: 1.800.670.7273 or text "CVS" to 20121
  • Website:
  • Provides phone and in-person support, including hospital accompaniment, advocacy, and prevention services
  • Emergency: 9-1-1 (if on-campus, call Campus Safety first for faster routing service)
  • Non-emergency: 925.888.7055
  • Website: www.moraga/ca/us


Confidential Resources

Resources that are confidential are not required to share information about sexual harassment or other sexual misconduct with the Title IX Support and Compliance Office. In addition to being confidential, some resources are privileged, meaning that absent special circumstances, information shared with them may not be disclosed without permission, even in a criminal or other external proceeding. Although the College’s goal is to limit the number of individuals who may learn about a report, disclosure, allegation, and/or investigation, the College cannot guarantee confidentiality in all matters.

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 Confidential - Privileged

  Conversations with these resources are privileged, and absent special circumstances, may not be disclosed without your consent even in a criminal or other external proceeding. Examples include: 

  • Counselors
  • Mental health clinicians
  • Lawyers providing legal advice to clients
  • Clergy members providing religious or spiritual advice
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 Confidential (on-campus)

  These resources are designated by Saint Mary's College as confidential and do not need to notify the Title IX Coordinator or office when they learn about potential incidents of sexual harassment or other sexual misconduct. However, they may be required to review information that was shared with them in a criminal or other external proceeding. See below for SMC resources.

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 Staff with specialized training and expertise in addressing issues of sexual harassment and other sexual misconduct, who are positioned to help students, faculty, staff, and third parties and who protect privacy and sharing information only on a need-to-know basis. At SMC, this includes:

  • Title IX Coordinator
  • Deputy Title IX Coordinators
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Responsible Employees

These resources are employees who protect privacy but must share information (all details known to them) with the Title IX Support and Compliance Office, and otherwise only on a need-to-know basis. Examples include, but are not limited to:

  • College Provost, Vice Provosts, and Deans of Schools
  • Faculty and Instructors (all)
  • Staff (except those identified as confidential)
  • Campus Safety Officers and Administrative Staff
  • Resident Directors (all)
  • Resident Advisors (graduate and undergraduate students)
  • Coaches (including volunteers) 
  • Some student employees (when acting as an employee of SMC, e.g., Rec Center Staff)
  • Megan Gallagher, CARE Center Director (for students) 
  • CAPS Counselors (for students)
    • Counseling and Psychological Services, Augustine Hall Ground Floor
    • 925.631.4364
    • Confidential counseling services, support, and information
    • Confidential when acting within licenses and in a clinician capacity
  • Student Health Center Medical Staff (for students)
    • Student Health Center, Augustine Hall Ground Floor
    • 925.631.4253
    • Confidential medical/urgent care support for students
    • Confidential when acting within licenses and in a clinician capacity
  • Employee Assistance Program (for employees)
  • Ordained Clergy/Faith Leaders providing religious/spiritual advice and in confession
    • Inquiries on finding an ordained faith leader for different faiths can be made to the Title IX Support and Compliance Office, or the Office for Mission and Ministry

No off-campus community or national resources will share information back to Saint Mary's College, we would not know you utilized any of their services unless you informed us.

  • Community Violence Solutions
    • 24/7/365 Hotline: 800.670.7273
    • Contra Costa County rape crisis center, provides support services to victims of sexual assault and their families
  • RAINN - National Sexual Assault Hotline
    • 24/7/365 Hotline: 800.656.HOPE (4673)
    • Live Chat options available on website
    • The nation's largest anti-sexual violence organization, provides programs to prevent sexual violence, help survivors, and advocate for justice.
  • STAND! For Families Free of Violence
    • 24/7/365 Hotline: 888.215.5555
    • Provides direct and referral services for persons experiencing domestic/family violence
  • Contra Costa Family Justice Center
    • Concord Center: 925.521.6366
    • One-stop center for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse, elder abuse, and human trafficking
    • Provides direct and referral services, including telecare and accompaniment services

Additional SMC Resources

Promotes a campus culture of care, safety, and respect for all persons - empowers students through education and outreach and provides a supportive, trauma-informed, and student-centered approach in response to gender and power-based personal violence to all students.

  • Offers information on options (both on- and off-campus), advocacy, and general support
  • Operates the 24/7 CARE Line (during the academic year) - anonymous informational line. Call/text for support and resources related to sexual assault and violence.
  • Staff available Monday-Friday 9:00a.m. - 4:00p.m. by appointment for confidential consultation
  • Located in Augustine Hall, Ground Floor (in between Campus Housing and CAPS)
  • Contact Megan Gallagher: 925.631.4193 or to book an appointment
  • Website

Creates an inclusive space where every member of the SMC community - all genders, bodies, sexual orientations, races, spiritualities, nationalities, ethnic identities - can seek education, support, dialogue, and engagement around issues of gender equity, identity, intersectionality, and inclusion.

  • Offers regular programs and outreach initiatives throughout the academic year
  • Offers a safe and inclusive space for all members for heartwork/homework/we work
  • Open Monday-Friday 9:00a.m.- 4:30p.m.
  • Located in Augustine Hall, Ground Floor (in between Campus Housing and CAPS)
  • Website

Committed to providing spaces and places where all can explore their faith and questions of human existence, as well as deepen their understanding of and relationship with god; and forming students as leaders in a complex world in great need of visible and radical witnesses of love and solidarity.

  • Offers programs throughout the academic year, and partners with interfaith resources to offer intersectional and mission-driven opportunities for faith exploration and formation.
  • Operates the GaelPantry to aid students experiencing food insecurity.
  • Open Monday-Friday 9:30a.m.-5:00p.m.
  • Located in the South Arcade
  • Website

Provides connections, opportunities, and initiatives that foster personal and academic growth and development; students have a success coach to support, challenge, and guide them to their full potential and meet their Gael goals. Includes the following offices:

  • Advising Office
  • Career Center
  • Center for Writing Across the Curriculum (CWAC)
  • High Potential Program
  • Student Disability Services
  • Tutorial and Academic Skills Center (TASC)
  • Academic Probation and Review
  • International Programs
  • Veterans Support Services

Website (with information and links to individual offices)

  • Provides a safe space for all students to engage their multiple, intersecting, and evolving identities.
  • Hosts and organized many co-curricular programs that enhance classroom learning and raises awareness about social justice issues.
  • Regular "IC Cafe" Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00a.m.-3:30p.m.
  • Located in Delphine Lounge, along the perimeter of Ferroggiaro Quad next to Cafe Louis.
  • Website