Meet the Chair of Core Curriculum Committee

Grant Rozeboom, Ph.D.
Grant Rozeboom is TransAmerica Professor and Associate Professor of Business Ethics and Social Responsibility at Saint Mary’s College of California, and also Chair of the Core Curriculum Committee. He received his PhD from Stanford University and BA from the University of Northern Iowa. His recent research focuses on the social norms and virtues associated with establishing social relations of equality in the workplace and markets, and also the nature of corporate moral responsibility. He co-edited Working as Equals (Oxford University Press 2023) and is currently co-editing the Oxford Handbook of Philosophy and Work. His work has been published in Journal of Business Ethics, Business Ethics Quarterly, Ethics, Philosophy & Public Affairs, and Journal of Moral Philosophy, among other venues. In addition to teaching undergraduate and graduate business ethics courses at SMC, he teaches a Jan Term class on the nature and meaning of work, and he helps organize, and coach SMC's student team for, the annual Lasallian Societal Impact Case Competition.