Communication Course Offerings

Communication Course Offerings
Fall 2024 Communication Courses

COMM 102-01 - Intro to Media & Cultural Studies (4 credits)
MWF 12:05-1:10: Neeley Silberman

COMM 102-02 - Intro to Media & Cultural Studies (4 credits)
TTh 9:50-11:30: Staff

COMM 102-03 - Intro to Media & Cultural Studies (4 credits)
TTh 11:40-1:20: David Benin

COMM 102-04 - Intro to Media & Cultural Studies (4 credits)
TTh 1:30-3:10: David Benin

COMM 103 -01 - Intro to Human Communication (4 credits)
MWF 10:40-11:45: Staff

COMM 110-01 - Rhetoric & Public Discourse (3 credits)
TTh 11:40-12:55: Ellen Rigsby

COMM 200-01 - Communication Theory (3 credits)
MWF 9:15-10:05: Neeley Silberman

COMM 301-01 - Qualitative Methods (3 credits)
MWF 12:05-12:55: Scott Schönfeldt-Aultman

COMM 304-01 - Understanding Digital Culture (3 credits)
TTh 11:40-12:55: Aaron Sachowitz

COMM 312-01 - Interpersonal Communication (3 credits)
MWF 3:20-4:10: Geetika Jain

COMM 316-01 - Advertising & Civic Engagement (4 credits))
TTh 11:40-1:20: Samantha Joyce

COMM 325-01 - Media, Technologies, & Culture (4 credits)
TTh 9:50-11:30: David Benin

COMM 326-01 - Visual Research Methods (3 credits)
TTh 1:30-2:45: Aaron Sachowitz

COMM 363-01 - Special Topics in Communication: Photojournalism (3-4 credits)
MWF 12:05-1:10: Staff

COMM 390 - Media Labs (1 credit)
The Collegian: TBD

COMM 463-01 - Special Topics in Communication: Representing Race (3-4 credits)
TTh 8:00-9:40: Samantha Joyce

COMM 463-02 - Special Topics in Communication: Rhetoric of Science Evolution (3-4 credits)
TTh 9:50-11:30: Ellen Rigsby

COMM 495 - Internship (1-3 credits)
TBD: Ginny Prior

COMM 523-02 - Sports Journalism (4 credits)
TTh 1:30-3:10: Jason Jakaitis

COMM 563-02 - Special Topics in Communication: Representing Race (4 credits)
TTh 8:00-9:40: Samantha Joyce

COMM 567-02 - Rhetoric of Science (4 credits)
TTh 9:50-11:30: Ellen Rigsby

See Course Descriptions

Spring 2025 Communication Courses

(preliminary list, subject to change)

We will update this soon! 

See Course Descriptions