History Course Offerings


The History Department offers courses covering everything from Environmental Disasters in Latin American History to Warfare in Medieval Europe.

Poster of available history courses for Spring 2024
Spring 2024 History Courses

HIST 122 US History since 1877 (4 units)
HIST 271 War & Peace in Modern Japan (3 units)
HIST 300 Historiography: Debates & Interpretation (4 units)
HIST 245 Environment in Latin American History (3 units)
HIST 302 Public History (4 units)
HIST 332 California History (4 units)
HIST 450 Research Seminar in Medieval History (3 units)

See Course Descriptions


Fall 2023 History Courses

HIST 112 Global History since 1500 (4 units)
HIST 121 US History to 1877 (4 units)
HIST 200 The Historian's Craft (3 units)
HIST 262 Women in Modern European History (3 units)
HIST 342 Revolutions in Latin America (4 units)
HIST 351 The Dark Ages (4 units)
HIST 471 Research Seminar on the Pacific War (3 units)
HIST 496 Capstone Writing Seminar (2 units)

See Course Descriptions


Spring 2023 History Courses

HIST 112 World History since 1500 (1 unit)
HIST 122 US History since Reconstruction (1 unit)
HIST 300 Truman vs. Godzilla: Contested Histories of the Atom Bomb (1 unit)
HIST 354 Warfare in Medieval Europe (1 unit)
HIST 330 African American History: 1619 to 1865 (1 unit)
HIST 375 Environmental History of Asia (1 unit)
HIST 302 Public History and Engaging Communities: High Potential and Being First-Gen – Our Own Histories (1 unit)
HIST 301EL History Mentors: Part 2 (.25 units)

See Course Descriptions





Ideal 4-Year Schedule


  • Choose HIST 17 (US)
    HIST 1 (World)
    HIST 4 (Western Civ), or
    HIST 5 (Western Civ)


  • HIST 18 (US) or 
    HIST 2 (World)


  • HIST 101 (Methods)
  • Choose HIST 17, HIST 1, or HIST 5 
  • Upper Division History


  • HIST 18 or HIST 2 
  • Upper Division History

Ideally, by the end of sophomore year, the student ought to have done 5 courses: History 17, 18, 101; plus History 1 & 2, or History 4 & 5, or History 1 & 5, or History 2 & 4.


  • HIST 101 or HIST 106 (Thesis)
  • Upper Division History


  • or HIST 104 
  • Upper Division History


  • HIST 106 (Thesis)
  • Upper Division History


  • Upper Division History
Girl standing next to a board

Taking Courses Online

Students wishing to take an online course for credit in History must turn in the following materials to the department Chair:

  1. a course description from the catalog of the institution where the student has taken or will take the course
  2. information identifying whether the course is lower or upper division;
  3. a copy of the syllabus for the course;
  4. samples of the exams and papers required for the class.

The department Chair will evaluate the materials and make a final decision.

Please note the information below is not applicable during COVID-19 times.

History for Non-Majors!

HIST 002:  World History since 1500 (Social, Historical, and Cultural; Global Perspectives)

HIST 100: Topics in World History

HIST 123:  20th-Century Europe (Social, Historical, and Cultural)

HIST 124: Transnational Origins of the Welfare State

HIST 126: Nations, Nationalism, and Citizenship (Social, Historical, and Cultural)

HIST 134: Recent History of the US (since 1890)

HIST 135: America in the World: History of US Foreign Relations

HIST 136: Immigration and Ethnic Relations in American History (Social, Historical, and Cultural; American Diversity)

HIST 137:  United States History in Comparative and Transnational Perspective

HIST 139: History of Women in America (Social, Historical, and Cultural; American Diversity)

HIST 141:  African-American History: 1865 to the Present (Social, Historical, and Cultural; American Diversity)

HIST 142:   History of California (Social, Historical, and Cultural; American Diversity)

HIST 152:  Revolution in Latin America (Social, Historical, and Cultural; Global Perspectives; Common Good)

HIST 154:  Latin America, the United States, and the Drug Trade (Social, Historical, and Cultural; Global Perspectives)

HIST 155:  Latin American Environmental History (Social, Historical, and Cultural; Global Perspectives)

HIST 161: Modern Japan

HIST 162: Modern China (Social, Historical, and Cultural; Global Perspectives)

HIST 172:  African History since 1850

HIST 130: Topics in American History: Environmental Thought

HIST 155:  Latin American Environmental History (Social, Historical, and Cultural; Global Perspectives)

HIST 160: Topics in Asian History: Asian Environmental History

HIST 017: United States History to the Civil War (Social, Historical, and Cultural; American Diversity)

HIST 018: United States History since Reconstruction (Social, Historical, and Cultural; American Diversity)

HIST 131: Colonial History of the United States

HIST 136:  Immigration and Ethnic Relations in American History (Social, Historical, and Cultural; American Diversity)

HIST 138: The Development of Modern American Culture (Social, Historical, and Cultural; American Diversity)

HIST 139:  History of Women in America (Social, Historical, and Cultural; American Diversity)

HIST 140:  African-American History: 1619 to 1865 (Social, Historical, and Cultural; American Diversity)

HIST 141:  African-American History: 1865 to the Present (Social, Historical, and Cultural; American Diversity)

HIST 142: History of California (Social, Historical, and Cultural; American Diversity)

HIST 154:  Latin America, the United States, and the Drug Trade (Social, Historical, and Cultural; Global Perspectives)

HIST 100: Topics in World History: Sexuality in World History

HIST 125: Women in European History, 1500-Present (Social, Historical, and Cultural)

HIST 139: History of Women in America (Social, Historical, and Cultural; American Diversity

HIST 151: Women in Latin American History (Social, Historical, and Cultural; Global Perspectives; Common Good)