Women's and Gender Studies Course Offerings

Women's and Gender Studies Course Offerings
Table with shirts, pens
Fall 2024 Women’s and Gender Studies Courses

WGS 301: Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies (4 units)
TTh 9:50-11:30: Denise Witzig

WGS 201: Histories of Women, Gender, Sexuality (3 units)
MWF 12:05-12:55: Myrna Santiago

WGS 12: Masculinities (4 units)
MWF 9:15-10:20: Scott Schönfeldt-Aultman

See Course Descriptions



Fall 2024 Interdisciplinary Courses That Satisfy the WaGS Major/Minor

Performing Arts
DANCE 309: Dance History, An Antifacist Approach (3 units)
TTh 11:40-12:55: Rosana Barragan

Ethnic Studies
ES 1010: Introduction to Ethnic Studies (4 units)
TTh 11:40-1:20: Loan Dao

ES 301: Critical Race Theory (4 units)
TTh 1:30-3:10: Loan Dao

ES 302: Youth Cultures (4 units)
MWF 10:40-11:45: Staff

ES 495: Internship (1-4 units)
Days & time TBD: Loan Dao

SEM 374: Multicultural Thought (3 units)
MW 3:20-4:35: Cathy Davalos

PSYCH 333: Human Sexualities (4 units)
MWF 10:40-11:45: José Feito

PSYCH 332: Psychology of Gender (3 units)
MW 9:15-10:30: José Feito

COMM 316: Advertising & Civic Engagement (4 units)
TTh 8:00-9:40: Sam Joyce

COMM 463: Representing Race - A Cross-Cultural Seminar (4 units)
TTh 11:40-1:20: Sam Joyce

ENGL 350: Intro to Drama - The Classics to the Cutting Edge (4 units)
TTh 11:40-1:20: Emily Klein

POL 346/346 EL: Food Politics (1 unit)
TTh 11:40-12:55: Patrizia Longo 
(must be taken consecutively with POL 365, for a total of 4 units)

POL 365: Theories of Justice (3 units)
TTh 9:50-11:30: Patrizia
(must be taken consecutively with POL 346, for a total of 4 units)

Theology & Religious Studies
TRS 371: Gender & Religion in American Culture (3 units)
MW 12:05-1:20: Marie Pagliarini

Global & Regional Studies
GRS 306: Brains, Brows and Beauties - Icons in Latin American Popular Culture (3 units)
TTh 11:40-12:55: Maria Luisa Ruiz

HIST 344: History of the Drug Trade & US-Latin American Relations (4 units)
MW 3:50-5:00: Myrna Santiago