Teacher Education Scholarships

Teacher Education Scholarships
The Donald and Helen Wood Foundation Endowment
The Wood Foundation Endowed Scholarship supports graduate special education students and can be applied toward tuition in any term. Eligibility criteria include:
- A student enrolled in the Education Specialist credential or Masters in Special Education program.
- Exhibits financial need
To be eligible, student must also submit a FAFSA.
In coordination with the Kalmanovitz School of Education and the Teacher Education Program, the Dean and Margaret Lesher Foundation is seeking to award five (5) scholarships to each candidate who displays passion and expertise in teaching in Contra Costa County.
- Who may apply: All full-time admitted and qualified applicants, enrolled in the Multiple Subject or Single Subject Credential Program.
- Additional criteria:
- Applicants must be committed to teaching in low-income Contra Costa County schools for at least two years after earning their credential
- Applicants must have submitted the required financial aid forms (FAFSA)
- Applicants must complete a cover letter (maximum 750 words) that states their unique interest in and ability to teach in low-income Contra Costa County Schools for two years
- Applicant must also provide a current resume and a completed and signed application
- Award recipients are required to write a thank-you note to the foundation
To apply click here.
All scholarship-related questions can be directed to: ksoe@stmarys-ca.edu
The Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant Program provides funds to students who are completing or who plan on completing coursework that is required to begin a career in teaching, and agree to teach full time for at least four years at an elementary school, secondary school, or educational service agency that serves students from low-income families and to meet other requirements.
Before receiving a TEACH Grant, you must complete:
- TEACH Grant Initial and Subsequent Counseling, and
- An Agreement to Serve (ATS).
You must complete TEACH Grant Initial and Subsequent Counseling and a new ATS each year that you receive a TEACH Grant.
The Golden State Teacher Grant program allows the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) to provide grants to each student enrolled in a professional preparation program leading to a preliminary teaching credential if the student commits to working in a high-need field at a priority school for four years after the student received a teaching credential. The Commission’s role in the program is furnishing a list of priority schools that have a high rate of emergency-type permit usage. For more information regarding the program, contact The Golden State Teacher Grant.
Mara Breech Foundation funds scholarships for candidates who enroll in KSOE’s Bilingual Authorization in Spanish (BILA) program. Recipients of this scholarship demonstrate clear interest and commitment to bilingual education. Applicants will also be asked to show evidence of financial need.
To be eligible, student must also submit a FAFSA.
American Association of School Administrators created these scholarships to support outstanding graduate students in school administration who intend to go into the superintendency.
Education grants are provided to elementary and secondary school classroom teachers, grades K–12, with a focus on math and science.
The Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) offers two separate education scholarships, one for a candidate studying to teach at the elementary level, and another studying to teach at the secondary level. Applicants must be a US citizen, at least 25 years of age and have a minimum GPA of 3.5.
- A cover letter (250 words) explaining the student’s commitment to social justice and equity and and among communities.
- A list of academic courses of prior study in related areas, along with other relevant experience (clubs and organizations, service learning, community engagement, political organizing/activism, etc.). For the teacher education tracks, please include experience working with children and/or youth.
- Applicants may include a writing sample in the desired area of study (optional)
- Funding Your Future in Teaching offers financial planning steps for every aspiring educator and sample funding packages for those considering a California-based teacher residency program.
- Teacher Candidate Funding Explorer is a searchable database of federal and state dollars teacher candidates may be eligible to collect to make their journey toward a teaching credential affordable or cost-free.
There is a profound STEM teacher shortage in high need schools in the Bay Area. Youth need caring, committed, anti racist, culturally responsive, equity-minded teachers. Bring your Lasallian commitment to social justice into the STEM classroom to serve middle and high school students in high needs schools!
For Current SMC STEM Major Undergraduates:
The goal of the scholarship program: to recruit, support, connect, and sustain equity and justice-oriented teacher candidates in SMC’s STEM Teachers for Justice, Community, and Leadership (JCL) 4+1 teaching program.
The Noyce scholar program will foster scholars’ growth along five knowledge bases: STEM content knowledge, Knowledge of self: STEM teacher positionality, Knowledge in solidarity with youth and communities, Humanizing pedagogical knowledge, and Knowledge of educational (in)justice and teachers as change agents.
For Graduate Student STEM Credential Applicants:
Incoming Single Subject STEM credential students may apply to be a Noyce scholar and receive $30,000 in scholarship funding, an iPad, funds for membership in a STEM organization, a STEM education book to read in a community of practice, field support student teaching in Mt. Diablo Unified School District with a Noyce teacher mentor, STEM education workshops, & career trajectory support! Noyce scholars will be supported in STEM educator communities – within SMC, with local school partners, & with regional and national networks – to become transformative STEM teacher change agents.
- Must not have served as a classroom teacher of record before
- Have an undergraduate degree in an approved STEM major
- Have worked as a STEM professional or is a recent graduate
Selected scholars must teach in a high need school district for at least two years after completing the credential.
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