Student-led Sunday 8pm Liturgy
Date & Time
Location (On-campus)
Join us today as we celebrate in our 8pm Student-led liturgy, The Feast of the Baptism of the Lord. Here is another and final story that highlights the meaning of Christmas, that is, the "incarnation": Divinity is born into Humanity so that Humanity can be born into Divinity. The Baptism of Christ reminds us of our own baptism in which we first meet Christ not only in the ritual washing but more importantly by living, like Christ, the selfless and sacrificial love of God. This Christmas story of the Baptism of the Lord brings to conclusion the liturgical season of Christmas. Like the end of any liturgical season, this feast also opens and reveals to us what we do with all the blessings of Christmas in the season of Ordinary Time. Our theme for the year remains "Be Transformed by Faith". We hope to see you this today in the Chapel at 8pm.
Fr. Kwame Assenyoh, Chaplain