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Amy Chu

Professor of Chemistry

School of Science | Chemistry

Office: BROH 312

Professional Overview

Dr. Amy Chu is an Inorganic Chemist specializing in organometallic syntheses and catalysis. She is particularly passionate about research topics that address the climate challenges of current industrial processes. She leads a team of undergraduate researchers that tackle these challenges by implementing the principles of green chemistry and systems thinking in the design of new synthetic methodologies.

Dr. Chu has a BS in Chemistry from the National Taiwan University (2011). She worked with Prof. Thomas B. Rauchfuss as a graduate student and obtained a PhD in Chemistry from the Univ. of Illinois in Urbana Champaign (2016). She conducted post-doctoral research with Prof. Karen I. Goldberg in the Univ. of Washington and Univ. of Pennsylvania. From 2020 to 2022, she was as an Assistant Professor of Chemistry at Mills College in Oakland CA. After the closure of Mills College in June 2022, she joined the Chemistry faculty at Saint Mary's College of California as an Assistant Professor.

In addition to her role at Saint Mary's College, Dr. Chu is a researcher at the Kleinman Center for Energy Policy where she implements her expertise to formulate policy proposals that empower the climate-friendly transformation of the energy sector.