Andras Margitay-Becht , Ph.D.

Office Location:
Garaventa Room 303
Professional Overview
Bio: András Margitay-Becht is a computational economist and computer scientist. He joined Saint Mary’s College in 2008. His current research focuses on managing math phobia and integrating computational processes into Economics. His additional research interests are economic development, migration, defense economics and ludology. András is currently Chair of the Economics Department at Saint Mary's College.
Courses Taught:
- Introductory Micro- and Macroeconomics
- Intermediate Micro- and Macroeconomics
- Business Economics classes for various graduate programs
- Mathematical economics
- Econometrics
- Game Theory
- Economic Geography
- Economic Development
- Wealth Poverty Social Justice
- Computer Science / Math:
- Coding is Fun
- Probability and Statistics
- Information and Channel Theory
Most recent publications:
- Allen, R. E., Burns, C., Margitay-Becht,, A., Subrahmanyan, S. (in press). Social Capital and other Transaction Capital in Economic Development: Important Ontologies in Early-Stage Research. Research Agenda for Social Capital in Economic Development. Aldershot Hants (UK) and Brookfield, Vermont (U.S.): Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Margitay-Becht, A; Das, U (2023): Enhancing student learning through hidden motivational outcomes. In: K. Enomoto, R. Wagner & C Nygaard (eds.): Enhancing Student learning outcomes in higher education. Libri Publishing Ltd.
- Margitay-Becht, A; Das, U. (2023): „Supporting gender equality in computer science through pre-introductory programming courses” in: Informatics in Schools. Beyond Bits and Bytes: Nurturing Informatics Intelligence in Education.
- Margitay-Becht, A (2023): „A Constructionist Workshop to support statistics education”, ICERI 2023 Proceedings
- Margitay-Becht, A. (2023): „Constructionist booster: a quantitative bridge program for first year university students” in Nathan Holbert, Paulo Blikstein, Bernadette Spieler, Carina Girvan, Kayla DesPortes and Tobias Schifferle (eds): Proceedings of the 2023 Constructionism Conference „Building the Future of Constructionism”
- PhD, Economics. School of Economics and Business Management, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, 2008
- MA, Economics. Budapest University of Economic Sciences and Public Administration, 2004
- MS, Technical Informatics. Faculty of Information Technology, Systems Design, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, 2004.