Saint Mary's Guild


The Saint Mary’s College Guild is a non-profitphilanthropic volunteer organization dedicated to furthering the principles of Saint John Baptist de la Salle, including education for all.


St. Patrick's Day Celebration: March 15

A hand holds St. Patrick's Day necklaces with a horseshoe and "lucky"

Luck, Laughter & a Delicious Dinner ☘️

Saint Mary’s College Guild invites you to a St. Patrick's Day celebration! Enjoy a traditional Irish dinner, win raffle baskets, and Celtic music. 

Saturday, March 15
5:00 – 9:00 PM
Soda Activity Center - Saint Mary's College

$55/person registration benefits Saint Mary's scholarships. RSVP by March 8

Our Focus

Gael students studying

The primary focus of the Saint Mary's Guild is to aid worthy students at Saint Mary’s College to obtain a college education. 

Our Membership

The Guild is comprised of former students, Saint Mary’s College faculty and staff, parents, community members and other friends of the College. Membership in the Saint Mary’s College Guild is open to any person of any gender, religion or connection to the College.

Members receive a monthly newsletter to advise them of upcoming events sponsored by the Guild as well as other events of interest on the campus. While most monthly luncheon events are held during the week, at least one evening event and one weekend event are held each year to provide options for individuals who might not be able to attend during the week.

To join at any time, complete the and forward that with the annual dues amount to the Membership Chairperson(s).

Gifts to Saint Mary’s College in memory or in honor of someone also aid our scholarship efforts if the Guild is designated as the recipient.



Anyone who wishes to make a gift to the Guild's efforts may do so by using our secure giving form.

Or, by mailing a check to:

Saint Mary’s College Guild
1928 St. Mary's Road, PMB 4300
Moraga, CA  94575-4300



View past issues of The Guild's newsletter.