Celebrating the Life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
A message to the Saint Mary's Community
This Monday marks the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., a day when the nation commemorates the life and legacy of perhaps the greatest icon and advocate for peace and justice we’ve seen throughout the 20th and 21st centuries. Had he lived, Dr. King would have turned 95 on this celebratory day.
The commemoration and remembrance of Dr. King’s life provide an opportunity to join others who are committed to keeping his message alive. It also allows us to give thanks that Dr. King’s voice made such a difference in the world, and to recommit ourselves to the principles of respect for all persons and inclusion that formed the basis of his prophetic message.
Dr. King’s teachings frequently invoked gospel images of God, who created all persons in His likeness. Likewise, we take an uncompromising position—based on the gospel—that values each person. In addition, we strive each day to form an educational community that takes a stand for justice and peace.
As Americans, we are aware of the devastating effects of racism on ourselves and on our attempts to build and sustain healthy, thriving communities. In 2017, the W.K. Kellogg Foundation instituted the National Day of Racial Healing as a catalyst for transformation and change. This year, the National Day of Racial Healing takes place on Tuesday, January 16.
Aspects of our history as a nation demand humble and honest examination and a willingness to change in order to build the kind of society that animated Dr. King’s dreams and undergirds his mission. As a community committed to promoting the dignity of each person, we at Saint Mary’s will continue to humbly examine ourselves to strengthen our bonds and witness to the values articulated so well by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
I hope you will join me in reflecting on the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. I remain confident in our ability to align ourselves with the principles of peace and justice, principles Dr. King exemplified throughout his extraordinary life.
Brother Thomas Jones, FSC
Interim President