Dr. Mary Kay Moskal Named as Endowed Professor in Reading Recovery and Early Literacy Intervention

July 22, 2021

Dr. Mary Kay Moskal has been named as the inaugural Endowed Professor in Reading Recovery and Early Literacy Intervention.

The Kalmanovitz School of Education is proud to announce that Dr. Mary Kay Moskal has been named as the inaugural Endowed Professor in Reading Recovery and Early Literacy Intervention. The Endowed Professorship is a title awarded to an individual who is passionate about the literacy and reading capabilities of young minds. Mary Kay Moskal, EdD, is a Professor of Literacy in the KSOE’s Teacher Education Department. She is the co-author of Partnering for Fluency with Dr. Camille Blachowicz and Literacy Leadership to Support Reading Improvement with Dr. Ayn Keneman. Although she has supported the literacy of children and young adults her entire educational career, she is deeply connected with early and beginning literacy, having taught in the primary grades for 20 years. She has more than 15 years of experience directing and supervising university-based literacy clinics in both Illinois and California. She continues to coach K-12 students through their literacy confusions and brings this extensive experience to her credential and graduate literacy courses at Saint Mary’s College. 

The KSOE received an anonymous $1M donation that has helped to fund this endowed professorship. This generous gift will be used to support programming in early literacy and interventions for struggling readers and writers through a combination of the Reading Recovery® individualized program, and a range of layered interventions in grades K-8 based on that foundational work. The Reading Recovery® Teacher Leader program is an important cornerstone of the SMC Comprehensive Literacy Center (formerly the SMC Reading Recovery Center). The Comprehensive Literacy Center is the West Coast training center for the professional development of teacher leaders in the United States who implement the Reading Recovery® practice in their classrooms. Reading Recovery is recognized internationally as a highly effective short-term intervention of one-to-one tutoring for first grade children who are struggling with their reading and writing skills. Comprehensive reading skills and experiences promote literacy for a diverse world.

To learn more about the Comprehensive Literacy Center, visit our website today