Good On Ya, Gaels! Students Save Wombats Down Under

by Linda Lenhoff | July 15, 2022

Thirteen students taking the summer travel course Endangered Australia: Wildlife & Culture found their studies to be more cuddly and adorable than expected when they helped out at Wombat Care Bundanoon this month. Students built and repaired pens and cared for animals following severe flooding, getting a hands-on look at wildlife–along with a few wombat hugs.

“I think the rain makes it an even better reason that we’re here because the animals definitely need our help more,” said Dance student Angelina Fleming. 

“Across all aspects of the purpose of our trip, our work to help with the wombats was a big success,” said Professor Derek Marks, who led the trip. “Our work helped turn a week (or longer) project into a one-day event, for free! This, of course, was so important for the wombat organization because they are limited in funds and resources, and during these extreme flood events, the need for additional help can not be met.” 

“Obviously, these animals don’t live in America, so this opportunity to support these animals just made the whole effort feel more surreal,” said student Payton Fox. “As a group, we felt really happy to be making a difference. Giving [the wombats] a home and supporting the individuals who are directly involved with these animals made us all believe what we were doing was going to positively impact the environment.” 

A reporter from WINN News in Australia stopped to talk to a few of our SMC students at work. Check it out!