Insights and Advice from Employers at the Inaugural Kalmanovitz School of Education Career Fair

Looking for a career in education? Here’s what makes Gaels great candidates, according to Bay Area employers. And recommendations for what to emphasize when looking for a position.

by Jordan Sapp, MFA ’25 and Hunter Modlin ’24, MBA ’25 | March 11, 2025

The Kalmanovitz School of Education held its inaugural Spring Career Fair in February, bringing together more than 175 students and alumni to meet with recruiters from Bay Area school districts, nonprofits, and agencies looking for Gael educators to join their teams. For job-seekers and those looking for talented professionals to bring on board, it was a win-win. 

“It’s nice to see a career fair that’s hosted specifically by the education school or credential program,” says Jason Waite, who represented the Campbell Unified High School District at the event. “That level of focus helps us employers know who they’re going to see—and should also help the students to have a bit more of a concentrated experience when they’re trying to find employment.”

What are recruiters looking for in graduates? And what do graduates of Saint Mary’s bring to these roles? We spoke with a number of education-focused employers across the Bay Area. Here are a few insights.

San Ramon Valley Unified School District: “confident communicators”

Meredith Bullock, who directs human resources for the San Ramon Valley Unified School District, is looking for graduates with a focus in special education who are interested in connecting with students. When hiring, she says, “I always look for someone who is confident, well-versed, and can have a natural conversation. Gael alumni are hard-working, dedicated, and especially able to collaborate and communicate with other people.”

Her advice? “Jump in. Education is a wonderful field to be in. And keep educating yourself while you’re in education.”

Flyers handed out at the fair
Students and alumni were able to see what job opportunities are out there for educators at KSOE's Career Fair. / Photo by Nick Voltmer

Discovery Counseling Center of San Ramon Valley: “compassionate therapists”

Discovery Counseling Center is a nonprofit seeking students in Marriage and Family Therapy or Doctor of Psychology programs who are looking for their first- or second-year practicums. Students will be placed in elementary, middle, and high schools in the San Ramon Valley Unified School District to earn clinical hours. 

“I have found that folks who graduate from Saint Mary’s are really compassionate therapists, who are client-centered and want to support their clients however they can,” says Elizabeth Callahan, Manager of Discovery Counseling Center’s Training Program. “We’re looking for folks who are flexible, because working at a school-based program requires a lot of flexibility. And those who are eager to learn: We have a lot of great learning opportunities with our supervisors. The company is very inclusive, so trainees aren’t seen as separate. It’s a fun, friendly environment.”

Campbell Union High School District: “serving the needs of all students”

Located in the South Bay, the Campbell Union High School District serves six high schools and two adult education programs. They are currently looking for single-subject teachers and Special Education candidates, as well as staff who are dedicated to closing equity gaps within the district. According to the district’s Human Resources Coordinator, Jason Waite, “We know the quality of the education that students get at Saint Mary’s, and the sense of servant leadership that comes with the school’s Lasallian background. We want to meet the needs of all students, not just a few students in particular.”

Recruiter conversing with a career fair attendee
A Gael networking with Cambell Union High School District's Jason Waite. / Photo by Nick Voltmer

Boys and Girls Club of San Leandro: “passion and empathy for young people’s education”

The Boys and Girls Club hosts after-school programs in 24 schools and one teen clubhouse in the San Leandro area. Students from kindergarten through high school are provided safe places after school to work on homework, socialize, and learn healthy lifestyles. The organization is looking for graduates who want to serve young people, specifically in education and counseling, and who want to get hands-on experience working with kids. 

“Number one, our organization is always looking for individuals who are passionate about kids, developing their education, and understanding what their needs are as individuals,” says recruiter Mario Jackson. “If you have that passion, we’re looking for you. The Boys and Girls Club of San Leandro is the perfect place for those seeking to further their career and education.”

Jordan Sapp, MFA ’25 is a graduate editorial fellow with the Office of Marketing & Communications. Hunter Modlin ’24, MBA ’25 is an intern with the Office of Marketing & Communications. Write them.