Intercultural Center Reopens With New Student-Centered Layout

by Annaliese Martinez ’21, College Communications Staff Writer | September 9, 2021

After a year away from campus, Saint Mary’s Intercultural Center (IC) is excited to reopen its doors as students return to campus this fall. The IC, housed in Delphine Lounge between the bookstore and Cafe Louis, has resumed in-person programming and events, and introduced a new layout focused on student services. 

“It’s going to be more accessible and more community-oriented,” described IC administrative assistant Lauren Smith ’22. “During our open hours, there’s always going to be someone at the desk right at the front of the room. We want people to be greeted and welcomed, and if they have questions about the space and what it’s for, our student staff will be available to answer questions.”

The IC offers a lounge with comfortable seating where students can study, relax, or grab a cup of coffee and a snack with friends. There are also computers, printers, a fridge, and a coffee maker available for students to use. 

“It’s truly one of the few spaces on campus where students can just comfortably sit and be with each other,” said Margaux Kraemer, the IC’s assistant director. “It’s good for our on-campus students who are looking for a place to be with friends or meet up with folks, to study, to have impromptu meetings in here, but it’s also a great space for our off-campus commuters, who are going to be coming onto campus for classes and then not wanting to have to go back and forth. We’re really trying to put forward that, while intentional work does happen here, so does community.”

Throughout the pandemic, the Intercultural Center maintained its co-curricular programming online and was awarded a Pandemic Pedagogic Excellence award for its flexibility in serving students. This year, the IC will reintroduce its programs in-person while offering virtual options. “In person, they’ll have access to all of the snacks; they’ll have access to the space; it’ll be really nice and cozy,” said Kraemer. “But we’ll have…[programs] online as well just to make it more accessible to students.” 

Looking to get involved on campus? The IC is a great place to start. Student staff host a range of programs, such as Collective Hour, a monthly, affinity-based community circle for students with shared identities and interests to come together. With 12 different diversity clubs, cultural celebrations, and student leadership opportunities, the IC has something for every student. 

“This is everybody’s space,” said Smith, who is starting her third year working for the IC as a student staff member. “There’s communities to be found that are waiting for students to find them.”

LEARN MORE about the Intercultural Center’s programs and services.