SMC Students learn how to navigate the ocean during kayak instruction at Monterey Bay. / Photo Courtesy of trip attendees
Things We Love About SMC: A Visit to California’s Rugged Coastline
A popular adventure field trip to California’s Central Coast gave students an afternoon to enjoy the rugged coastline in Monterey kayaking on the ocean, bike riding along Cannery Row, and exploring the Monterey Bay Aquarium.
One of the things we love about Saint Mary’s is how much there is to do close to Moraga. For instance: take this recent outing on a gorgeous autumn day, when Saint Mary’s students traveled to Monterey to partake in the unique exploration of Monterey Bay on Saturday, October 12.
This trip and other adventures are sponsored by the enhancement fee, which allows students to get off campus and explore different part of Northern California. Mia Schowengerdt ’26 attended the trip and took time to stroll Cannery Row and discover the wonders of the aquarium. “Having the choice to get off campus for the excursions and wander around Cannery Row and the Aquarium was a really fun trip,” she said.
“Having the choice to get off campus for excursions and being able to wander around Cannery Row and the Aquarium was a really fun trip.”
—Mia Schowengerdt '26
Students were able to choose from a variety of activities: kayaking in Monterey Bay while enjoying the shoreline views; biking along Cannery Row to soak up the culture and beauty of the Bay; and strolling through the Monterey Bay Aquarium to dive into the wonders of the underwater kelp forest, see the antics of sea otters, and be dazzled by the luminous jellyfish. “This trip was a really cool opportunity, and my favorite part was kayaking and seeing sea animals up close,” said Kaylin Holliman ’26.
“This trip was a really cool opportunity, and my favorite part was kayaking and seeing sea animals up close.”
—Kaylin Holliman '26

Spending time off campus with fellow classmates continues to be a highlight to adventure trips. This particular trip allowed for relaxation and decompressing during a heightened stress of mid-terms. Karla Carillo ’25 took time to ride an ebike and stroll through Cannery Row. “Ebiking during fall weather was amazing,” she said. “Especially during midterms!”
“Ebiking during fall weather was amazing. Especially during midterms!”
—Karla Carillo ’25
Through the enhancement fee funding, Gaels have been able to experience go-to destination sights in Northern California— including white water rafting down the American River and a day at the storied Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk. More adventure trips will be offered for SMC Students for the winter and spring seasons ahead.