Continuing Education for RNs, CNAs, or HHAs

Let Saint Mary's Nursing Education advance your career.

Saint Mary's offers a wide range of continuing education contact hours for Registered Nurses, Certified Nursing Assistants, and Home Health Aids. 

Stay tuned for future events.


orourke portrait
Saint Mary's College of California was proud to sponsor Maria W. O’Rourke’s virtual program, “Professional Role Identity Formation and Role Clarity: Pathway to Practice Excellence.” 

This virtual conference was held from 9:00 to 12:30 on October 9, 2024. It included a keynote by Dr. O’Rourke, four breakout sessions that profiled how her work has been applied in real-time practice, and an interactive dialogue session. Attendees learned firsthand how the Model of the Professional Role™ can help nurses make pivotal decisions and improve practice. Participants engaged in group discussion on practical action steps supported by real-time experiences and backed by quality results.

Continuing Education Contact Hours

Registrants received continuing education contact hours after attending the sessions and completing the pre- and post-evaluations. 

About Dr. Maria O’Rourke

Dr. O’Rourke is Co-founder of the O’Rourke Institute for Advancing Professional Practice (OIAPP), an organization dedicated to advocating for professional role clarity as a vital element to achieving excellence in practice. She is also CEO/ President of Maria W. O’Rourke & Associates, LLC, a consultancy focusing on professional role clarity, theory-driven practice, and building professional practice models to ensure practice excellence.

Renowned for her pioneering work on professional role clarity, O'Rourke's effort began in 1965 when defining the work of nursing as a profession and clarifying the RN role as a key decision-maker on the interdisciplinary team was critical. Maria brought this revised role and image to the legislative arena and was instrumental in rewriting the 1974 California Nursing Practice Act. She published the first paper on its implementation, which guides the profession, regionally and nationally, in the appropriate use of the professional RN.

Over five decades, her work on professional role identity formation theory has culminated in a theoretically grounded practice model called Role Driven Practice™. This model serves as a foundation for professional role clarity and competence, aligning appropriate role relationships among professional, technical, and assistive roles, improving practice outcomes and facilitating Magnet Professional Practice Models.

Dr. O’Rourke has held numerous leadership positions in clinical, education and management and has garnered several honors and awards, including the 1984 Distinguished Alumni Award from Boston University and UCSF in 2010 and in 2018, ANA-C Ray Cox Award for advancement of the nursing profession.

Maria W. O’Rourke, RN, PhD, FAAN
Co-Founder, O’Rourke Institute for Advancing Professional Practice (OIAPP)
President & CEO, Role Clarity Solutions

Contact Us

Lucinda Allen
Director CNA Program
Director of Simulation 

Nursing Continuing Education Provider #17973

CNA Continuing Education Provider (for CNAs or HHAs) #7271