Getting Started

Getting Started

Getting Started with Canvas


1. Login and set-up your Canvas account

Login to Canvas by logging into MySMC and select the Canvas App

Once in Canvas, select on Account from the global navigation menu on the left to setup your account

2. Customize your course list in Dashboard

To see all your Canvas courses, select Courses from the global navigation menu and then select All Courses at the bottom. 

You can customize which courses appear on your Dashboard

3. Make a decision about how you will build your course:

  • Design your Canvas course from Scratch
  • Reuse content from a Moodle course: This allows you to utilize content and activities you have already created. However, due to the differences between Moodle and Canvas, this option may require some rework because not all activities transfer to Canvas from Moodle. For more information and a recommended step-by-step process, please see Exporting/Importing content from Moodle
  • Design your Canvas course using one of the SMC's Canvas Templates: Check out the help guide on Course Templates and how to bring them into your course.

4. Create your Syllabus 

Create your Syllabus with Simple Syllabus

5. Add Assignments, Quizzes, and Discussions

6. Add Files and/or build Pages

Upload Files to your Canvas course in order to link to them within Modules, Pages, Assignments, Quizzes, etc.

Pages allow you to build out content using images and links to resources within one area.

7. Organize your Content

Modules are recommended to structure (and/or control access) to your course materials by weeks, units, or topics in a guided learning experience.

Modules create structure and Pages provide rich content linked within Modules. Don't forget to add the activities created in Step 5 and content added in Step 6 to the modules.

8. Create a Home Page

If you are building from scratch: The default Home Page of your course will be the Modules page.You can create a custom page; use Recent Activity as the Home Page; or have the Assignments index be the Homepage. Whichever you choose, you must Set the Front Page.

9. View Course as a student

Before you publish your course, use Student View to test the visibility of your course materials. Be sure all resources in the course have been published.  

10. Publish your course

When you are ready for students to access the course, be sure to publish your course (keep in mind a course cannot be unpublished)

Also, announcements you post will not be sent out until the course is published.


*Make sure to review Canvas Course Design Best Practices to help create a user-friendly learning space for your students.