Resources for BIPOC Students

All BIPOC Students
Mental Health America BIPOC Mental Health
Live Another Day - Extensive information on mental health and substance use resources for people of color. Their mission is equal access to life-saving resources. They have guides for Black, Latinx, Asian, and Native people.
API Students
Asian Pacific Policy and Planning Council
Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy (AAPIP) Resources
Asian Americans Advancing Justice
Find an Asian Therapist in Your Area
Detox Local - An extensive list of mental health and substance use resources specifically for the AAPI community.
Black and African-American Students
A Good Comprehensive Listing
Therapy and Coaching
Find an African-American Therapist in Your Area
Black Female Therapists: Application for Free Therapy Service
The Love Land Foundation: Apply for therapy funding
Black Mental Health Collective
Queer and Trans Therapists of Color
Meditation, Yoga, Community, Readings, and More
A Guide to Addiction and Recovery for African Americans
Self-Care Tips for Black People
Digital Self-Care for Coping with Trauma
BLM Meditation for Healing Racial Trauma
Emotionally Restorative Self Care for POC
The Black Bay Area on Instagram
Grief and Racism: 8 Ways to Support Yourself
Latinx Students
Find a Latinx Therapist in Your Area
Native/Indigenous Students
Native American Health Center Oakland (sees non-Native/Indigenous people, too)