Open Enrollment

Open Enrollment offers part-time study on a space-available basis to the general public. The Open Enrollment form must be approved by the instructor of the class(es) during the Add/Drop period, the first week of the term. Students may register for a maximum of two (2) courses per term and are limited to four (4) courses maximum per year. No more than eight (8) total courses are permitted for the Open Enrollment Program. Please see the catalog for more information.

Open Enrollment students include people considering initial work toward a bachelor's degree, have taken prior college courses, or those who wish to take courses for their own personal enrichment.

Please Note

  • High school students are not eligible for Open Enrollment
  • Current Saint Mary's College students are not eligible for Open Enrollment

Search for Courses & Cost
To search for courses online go to: Select "Current Students", and then select "Search for Classes." Searching through GaelXpress provides information about availability of spaces. The Office of the Registrar will send your Open Enrollment Request to the instructor of the course for consideration and will let you know via email whether or not your request was approved. If approved, once enrolled in the course, you will make the payment to the Business Office. You may contact the Business Office at 925.631.4209 or email them at with any questions.

Submitting the form below
This form only allows for one course per submission. If you need to add an additional course you will need to fill this form out again.

Re-order Department Course Number and Section Course Title Course Instructor Weight Operations
(example: BIOL)
(example: 100-01)
(example: Intro to Biology)
(example: Jane Doe)
more items
Year and Term
Please indicate why you are interested in taking this course.
Enrollment Options
Open Enrollment:
The credit billing will be defaulted to the amount of credits of the course.
Select only one option below.
Have you previously enrolled through Open Enrollment?
I would like to
Please add the names of any SMC staff, faculty, and/or administrator you may have been working with for this request

Electronic Signature*

By checking the "I Agree" box below you agree to pay all fees associated with the course(s) you are enrolled.
If you have any questions regarding billing, please contact the Business Office at 925.631.4209 or email them at