French Club

Bienvenue and welcome to the SMC French Club webpage! We are a group of SMC students who are interested in participating in French and Francophone cultural activities. Some of our events include picnics, crepe days, movie nights, and outings to art museums, the symphony, and the ballet. No French is required--we have many students of different majors and minors in the club!
We also have a biweekly email newsletter which contains upcoming French Club events, upcoming non-SMC Francophone events in the Bay Area, French/ and francophone current events, a French poem, a French song of the week, and a French word of the week. To opt into emails, please send an email to with the subject "Please add me to the email list."
To learn more about our upcoming events and programs, please click here to add us on Facebook. Events are advertised through our Facebook and through our email newsletter, so make sure to become part of both! Additionally, feel free to send us an email (at with any questions you may have.
Finally, if there is an event that you would like to see happen, please email us about it! We are a student-led club and our mission is to bring elements of French culture to all interested students, so we are always looking for new programs that students will enjoy.
À plus!
The SMC French Club