America's Sacred Ground

America's Sacred Ground


Director Barbara A. McGraw coined the term "America's Sacred Ground"™ for the values and political framework on which the American founders based the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution, which have religious pluralism at their heart.


Rediscovering America's Sacred Ground Book Cover

Rediscovering America's Sacred Ground

“I would rank this book as one of the best to come out in recent years in addressing the religious/secular dimensions of the American socio-political order." — Derek H. Davis, Journal of Church and State

"This nation badly needs the balanced, responsible analysis of the proper role of religion in our society that is offered in this book. Acceptance of 'America's Sacred Ground' by all parties can provide the basis for civil discourse and moving ahead into new grounds." –– John B. Cobb Jr., Founding Co-Director of the Center for Process Studies and Professor Emeritus, Claremont School of Theology and Claremont Graduate School

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Taking Religious Pluralism Seriously [Cover Page]

Taking Religious Pluralism Seriously

Expanding on Barbara A. McGraw’s framework for understanding religious participation in public life, this co-edited volume (with Jo Renee Formicola) demonstrates that religious pluralism is actually one of democracy’s basic building blocks. The chapters explore how diverse religious communities and traditions, including “newer” and marginalized religions, can make a meaningful contribution to American society and politics.

Crediting Barbara A. McGraw with previously coining the term “America’s Sacred Ground” for the values and framework underlying the U.S. Constitution, Jon Meacham wrote of Taking Religious Pluralism Seriously:

“An important new book . . . lays out the history of tolerance in the United States while urgently reminding us what is at stake when we speak, as we so often do, of ‘church and state’ or ‘moral values’ or ‘the culture wars.’” [This book has] valuable insights and welcome spirit of moderation.” -- Jon Meacham, New York Times Book Review cover page article entitled “Tidings of Pride, Prayer, and Pluralism.”

Click here for publisher information.


Center for Religious Pluralism

Contact Us

Barbara A. McGraw, JD., Ph.D.

Professor, Social Ethics, Law, & Public Life

Director of the Center for Engaged Religious Pluralism