Faculty Professional Development Annual Funding

Faculty Professional Development Annual Funding

Active Research Awards

Attendance at Scholarly Conference.

1. Presentation of scholarly research as a paper or equivalent, (e.g., a poster, round-table, panel paper, or musical or other artistic work) to one’s academic peers or equivalent. 

2. Participation in a panel, workshop, institute, etc. that requires significant scholarly preparation. 

3. Scholarly activity that has been peer-reviewed or selected by a professional organization for inclusion in a conference program (e.g., invited paper, keynote address.) 

Documentation required with the application: Active participation includes documentation such as a letter of invitation or acceptance of paper, and a preliminary copy of the program, or a web link to the conference program with your name as a presenter. **** If you have not received confirmation of acceptance you may still apply for funding and you will receive conditional approval ie. conditional until such time as confirmation of acceptance has been submitted.

Preparation of scholarly work is determined by the following criteria: 

1. Research related to completing books, articles, reviews, reports, creative work (music, art, drama), scientific, technological projects or other types of scholarly research. This includes travel to archives, interviews, translations, purchase of essential research materials, stipends for research assistants, etc. 

Documentation required with the application:  If funding is requested for an ongoing scholarly project for which the applicant has previously received an award, the applicant must include a progress report demonstrating that the project has entered a new phase requiring additional funding. 

Equipment and unused materials become the property of SMC. 

Active Administrative Awards 

1. Fulfillment of major administrative commitments at conferences (e.g. officers in a professional organization hosting the conference, major symposium coordinator, etc.) 

2. This work requires organizational work in advance of the conference and active duties during the conference. 

3. This is not organizing one panel at a major meeting. 

Documentation required with the application: of administrative work must be provided with application and should include the following: 1) email/letter of invitation, or 2) web link, and 3) correspondence or outline regarding administrative work. 

Only one active administrative award is fundable annually. 

Active Pedagogy Awards

1. Participation at workshops or conferences where you are receiving substantial training to improve student learning and your teaching effectiveness. 

2. This is not course development. 

Documentation required with the application: an email/letter of invitation, or web link, and an outline of substantial training. 

Passive Awards:

1. Attendance at conferences or symposia. 

2. Passive awards have a $600 maximum per year for (pre-)tenured faculty and $300 maximum per year for adjunct faculty.

Documentation required with the application:  a receipt for registration, or  confirmation of travel, or print of or link to a webpage describing the conference or event.

Funding Limitations

Please note that funds are limited and can only be awarded so long as the fund has not been depleted.

A. Pre-tenured faculty: 

Funds are limited to $2,400 per individual per academic year funds. Active awards and scholarly research projects are funded up to the annual cap. Passive awards have a $600 maximum per year. 

B. Tenured faculty: 

Funds are limited to $2,200 per individual per academic year. Active awards and scholarly research projects are funded up to the annual cap. Passive awards have a $600 maximum per year. 

C. Adjunct faculty: 

See the CBA for further details.

D. Visiting Faculty

Funds are limited to $2,100 per individual per academic year. Active awards and scholarly research projects are funded up to the annual cap. Passive awards have a $600 maximum per year. 

Purchases of Equipment or Software

These are not to be made out of pocket, but through the College’s procurement policy. Such requests must be made with the appropriate College department for purchase and approval

Expenses not Covered

Membership fees in professional organizations are not typically paid through this fund unless this generates a substantial reduction in meeting registration fees.

We do not cover any expenses that journals/publishers charge for publication fees.

Acknowledgment of Funding

If the project or activity results in a publication, you must acknowledge the support of Saint Mary’s College. 

Funding Limitations

Please note that funds are limited and can only be awarded so long as the fund has not been depleted.

1. Faculty on the Rank and Tenure roster, including faculty on reduced services plan, academic administrators with faculty rank, and faculty on reassigned time or sabbatical. 

2. Adjunct faculty meeting criteria set out in the CBA.

3. Visiting faculty.

Faculty ineligible for awards: 

1. Faculty contracted on a per-course basis. 

2. Faculty on leave of absence. 

3. Faculty emeriti. 

Funding Limitations

Please note that funds are limited and can only be awarded so long as the fund has not been depleted.


Timing of Applications

  1. Applications must be submitted by the 20th of each month (August-May).
  2. Applications made after the 20th will be reviewed with the following month’s applications.    
  3. Applications must be submitted prior to the proposed activity.
  4. Applications for retroactive funding August to May will not be considered. 
  5. Applications for funding of summer activities (May 20 to August 20) must be submitted before May 20. Funding for activities occurring before July 1 will come from the current academic/fiscal year allotment. Funding for activities after July 1 will come from the following fiscal year's allotment.

Incomplete Applications

An application is considered incomplete if it is missing:

  • A sufficient project description
  • Proof of acceptance/invite (for active funding request):  a letter of invitation or acceptance of paper, and a preliminary copy of the program, or a web link to the conference program with your name as a presenter. 
  • A receipt for registration, confirmation of travel or conference brochure when requesting passive travel funds.
  • Sufficient detail about a purchase/fee unrelated to travel; a screenshot of a potential price for example. If funding is requested for an ongoing scholarly project for which the applicant has previously received a faculty development award, the applicant must include a progress report demonstrating that the project has entered a new phase requiring additional funding. 
  • Total amount being requested.
  • A project end date beyond the current academic year (unless traveling to a conference that takes place at the end of June AND  the start of July).

Active participation includes documentation such as:

Overseas Travel

If you are traveling abroad, you must submit a Travel Risk Assessment application in conjunction with your faculty development application. TRAC committee meets once a month. Funds cannot be approved or released without TRAC approval. Form and details can be found HERE.

Purchases of Equipment or Software

These are not to be made out of pocket, but through the College’s procurement policy. 

Expenses not Covered

Membership fees in professional organizations are not typically paid through this fund unless this generates a substantial reduction in meeting registration fees.

We do not cover any expenses that journals/publishers charge for publication fees.

Post-Activity  Requirements

You will be reimbursed for your activities once you have submitted all receipts AND an expense report otherwise, the award may be rescinded and returned to the faculty development fund to enable other faculty to apply for funding. There is a defined fund and faculty can only be supported  only in so long as the fund has not been depleted. We do not know the "real" carryover balance any month without your withdrawals so it is important to be mindful of this.

For each academic year, all expenses must be turned in by June 30th. 

If you are paying fees in another currency, please calculate the exchange rate and make your requests for reimbursement in Dollars.

If you are receiving funding from another source  these reimbursements need to be treated separately.


  • Per diem AY 23-24: breakfast $17, lunch $18, dinner $34
  • Mileage AY 23-24: 0.655 per mile


Fillable Expense Report Form Available Here


Staggered Reimbursements: If some funds are expended before your event (e.g., travel arrangements, registration) those funds can be reimbursed before the event, as long as all appropriate receipts and an Expense Report are submitted. (Note: a hotel reservation confirmation is not a receipt).  No more than two expense reports can be submitted for each proposal/application, which means you should consider how you will collate your expenses and receipts accordingly.

Advance Funds: Faculty may request advance funds with the Application. Checks or E-checks will be disbursed to the recipient approximately 30 days before the funded activity.

For a cash advance of the awarded amount, the request is to be included at the time of application. The advance must be reconciled with an Expense Report and receipts (reflecting the deduction of the award) and submitted no later than 30 days after the event. This is to comply with College policy as it relates to IRS requirements and to avoid being considered a taxable fringe to the recipient. (Should less than the award amount be spent, a check for the difference owed to the College must be attached to the Expense Report). 

Applications for a Declining Balance Credit Card (which can be preloaded up to the amount of the award) may be found on the Purchasing website. The user will be emailed a statement with the posted transactions and have 15 days to review, attach all receipts, and submit an expense report. If additional cash is spent, then faculty also need to complete an expense report with those receipts attached.

Any unused portion of the award must be returned to the fund. If you must cancel plans, the award in full must be returned immediately. 

If you receive additional funding for activities from your department or school, these applications and associated reimbursements must be treated separately. 

Cancellation of Activity

There are no penalties if you need to cancel plans for any reason. Simply email the fund administrator to let them know as soon as possible. 

Funding Limitations

Please note that funds are limited and can only be awarded so long as the fund has not been depleted.

Applications for Funding July and August

Applications for funding through the annual faculty development funds are reviewed from August to May. As such, if you are planning on summer travel or making a purchase in July and August, you will need to submit your application before May 20th in order for it to be reviewed and approved. During this period, we adhere to the policy:

  • Applications must be submitted before an event.
  • Applications must be approved before an event
  • Reimbursement is made on receipt of expense reports and receipts.

That said, if you receive an unanticipated invite, a last-minute opportunity comes your way, or a paper was accepted for presentation during the summer at the last minute we want to be able to support that also. For last-minute, unanticipated funding support needed for activities in July and August: 

  1. Applications must be submitted before you leave for an event or make a purchase.
  2. Applications will be reviewed after August 20th. 
  3. Due to outlier circumstances, applications *may be approved retroactively for summer activities. 
  4. Reimbursement will be approved after August 20th, once expense reports and receipts have been submitted.

*No application is guaranteed funding. It needs to go through the usual vetting process. 

Reimbursement During the Summer  

All receipts for activities involving travel or purchases prior to the end of the academic year must be submitted in advance of the end of the academic/budget year; June 30th. 

Said another way, if you spent money from your annual faculty award for travel that took place between July 1 and the following June 30th you must submit receipts before June 30th. For accounting purposes, the activity and the reimbursement must happen in the same academic/budget year. Your request for reimbursement will be processed on or before June 30th. 

If you submit for reimbursement on or after July 1, for travel that took place between July 1 and June 30th of the academic year just ended you will not be reimbursed. As the College budget rolls over from one year to the next, we must make sure that all monies are paid out of the  fund before the new academic/budget year starts.  

We recognize that this is a tight turnaround for travel that takes place mid or late June, and in particular for travel that crosses two academic years. In such instances, we are more than willing to work with you on a case-by-case basis. 

Any requests for reimbursement for travel and purchases that take place between July 1 and August 20th will be processed after August 21st.

TRAC provides risk assessment for College-sponsored activities off-campus, including academic international and domestic travel programs, athletic travel, College-sponsored travel by faculty, staff, and students (including conference travel, research conducted off campus, and club-sponsored activities like alternative spring breaks sponsored or hosted by campus organizations). This protocol applies to risk management only.  Any other approvals (chair, director, VP) are still required in addition to this form.

Please submit this form for TRAC review at least a month before travel.  If you have questions, contact the 2023 - 2024 TRAC Chair Sarah Dempsey at sdd4@stmarys-ca.edu.

When traveling for College business and using faculty development funding, faculty must complete the TRAC form and attach it to the application. This must happen before funding is approved. 

Use this link to reach the TRAC form
