The Role of the Faculty Advisor
What is the role and responsibility of the Faculty Advisor?
Policy Statement: The faculty advisor will assume the role of the responsible investigator on all research involving human subjects which is designed and carried out by students. The responsible investigator will advise the student throughout the process of protocol development, submission, and review, as well as in the implementation of the research project.
The faculty advisor as the responsible investigator will guide the student in the development of the protocol, thus assuring that the content, quality, and timing of the submission meet the requirements of the IRB.
Furthermore, the faculty advisor as the responsible investigator is accountable for ensuring that student researchers are aware of their responsibilities as investigators, and for ensuring that the IRB is immediately notified in the event of research-related, unanticipated events or findings during the study that would affect the risks or benefits of participation.
Any student or graduate student research proposal submitted without the signature of a faculty advisor will not be reviewed.