NEH Summer Stipends

NEH Summer Stipends

NEH SUMMER STIPENDS ( | Final Submission: Sep. 18, 2024


  • An outright award of $8000 to an individual scholar for two consecutive months of full-time research and writing in the humanities. Stipends normally support work during the summer months, but arrangements can be made for other times of the year. The NEH Summer Stipends Home Page includes summary, guidelines, FAQs, recent awards, sample proposals.

Review the following in preparation to apply to the NEH

  • Notify two prospective references that you will need letters.  Let them know that the deadline for their letters will be October 11, 2024. Familiarize yourself with the NEH Research Misconduct Policy. Review the information on pp. 16-17 of NOFO regarding registration for a account. Please contact the Office of Research director at with any questions related to the process. 

What to do to prepare an application

  • Prepare your application according to the NEH Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO).  Read the entire NOFO. Contact the Office of Research director at for help in interpreting the NOFO as needed, and for assistance in registering in Register for early in your application preparation process. As soon as you know you will be applying, contact your reference letter-writers to request their support.  Confirm with your references what is the best e-mail address for them.  You will be asked to include one e-mail address for each reference in your application package.

Note: If you want to receive input from the Office of Research on your application, please email application documents to by September 11, 2024 with a request for feedback.